The Miracle of the Development of a Baby – Talk/Video

The Miracle of the Development of a Baby – Talk/Video

This is a TEDs talk where we see, through the advances in technology, the development of a baby in the womb.  I encourage you to watch this and to marvel at the evidences of a Creator God.

How could any of this happen by accident, undirected, random chance?  No thinking human would look at an ipad and say, ‘What an amazing accident of random chance’.  No, every person would say, ‘Someone designed and built that ipad’.

Well the human body is 10,000 times more complex than an ipad plus it is living and active, so how can any thinking being ascribe the creation of a living human to some random accident, unplanned, undirected, just happened?  The only way is to suppress the truth in unbelief, which is exactly what the Apostle Paul says happens in Romans 1:18-23.

Enjoy this evidence of our great Creator God.
