This was a one-off sermon dedicated to looking at the why, the what, and the how of Church membership. To become a member at Redemption Bible Chapel, first you’ll need to attend a Step 2 class. Once you’ve done that, your next step is to fill out one of the forms below.
✓ Water baptism by immersion as a believer
✓ Complete Step 2
✓ Attend Redemption for at least six months
✓ Be part of a group*
✓ Be Serving**
✓ When the steps above are complete, fill out the membership application below.
* Be involved in a Redemption Small Group, Men’s or Women’s ministry, Young Adult Small Group, HOST group, or one of our classes. Alternatively, show evidence of regular participation in Christian community for growth and discipleship beyond the Sunday Worship Service (i.e. campus Bible study, one-on-one discipleship or mentoring, Christian book club, etc.).
** Serving on a Redemption team or in process of joining a team or serving in some Christian parachurch ministry or another service area outside our church, such as caring for a special needs child, an evangelism ministry, etc.