
If you’re looking to make Redemption your Church Home and are wanting to become a member, please fill out our Membership Application.

Looking to make Redemption your Church Home?

Fill out our Membership Application

If you have more than one person in your household interested in membership – please have each individual fill out their own application. Please note that members must be 18 years of age or older.

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Membership Commitment

Redemption exists to Glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), in the spirit of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39). A disciple of Jesus Christ is one who abides with Jesus, connects with fellow believers, and shares with the family of God and others, in the name of Christ. These things are what our mission and purpose are. Therefore, those who wish to become members at Redemption are asked to confirm the following:
1. I have by faith confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in my heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9) and thus am a follower of Jesus Christ.
2. I have been baptized by immersion after I was saved (Acts 2:38).
3. God Time – I commit to consistently spend time in the Word and prayer with Christ as a discipline in my own personal walk with Jesus (Psalm 119:11).
4. Gather Time – I commit to regularly attend worship services, when able, participating in the life and practices of our church on Sundays (Hebrews 10:24-25).

If you are not able to join a group in our church at this time, we would ask you to either 1) hold this application until you are able to join one of our group ministries (Small Groups, Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, or Language specific small groups), or 2) explain why, at this time, you are unable to join a group (we recognize there are valid reasons some can't in the season of life they are in).

5. a) Group Time – I commit, as best I am able and when I am able, to make it a priority to be a part of a discipleship ministry in the church, to help my own growth and to be praying for and encouraging other believers (Acts 2:42-47).
6. Go Time – I commit to seek to normalize evangelism in my everyday life, desirous to be telling others the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, when opportunities arise (Acts 1:8).
7. a) Give Time – I commit to give: 1) of the first fruits of my income, joyfully and regularly to the ministry of Redemption, seeking to help support and advance the gospel here (2 Corinthians 9:6-15) and 2) of my time and energy in serving somewhere in the ministry of Redemption.
8. I recognize that in joining this local family of God in membership, I am committing to continually seek to preserve the unity of the faith (Ephesians 4:3) and not to be a divisive influence in the church (Titus 3:10), respecting and submitting to the leadership God has put in place (Hebrews 13:17).
9. I have read and can agree to be a member in this church within the Redemption statement of faith and distinctives.
*Note: Redemption Bible Chapel holds to, in faith and practice, a Biblical understanding of marriage (one man married to one woman), and to a Biblical understanding that God created male and female, only two genders, and that these are fixed by DNA and do not change.
10. I have attended the Step 2 class.