In a world of rampant deception and falsehood, where should men turn? The answer is found in the Word of God. Join hundreds of men at Free Indeed as they seek to find truth amid corruption – because it is the truth alone that sets us free (John 8:36).
Free Indeed 2025 is a wake-up call of biblical strength and courage. A vision will be cast before each man, and they will be called to live it out by the power of God. Our homes, our families, and our churches need men like this.
Vance Pitman responded to God’s call to plant a church in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2000, sent from First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. With a passion for God’s kingdom, he had a vision to launch a church focused on joining in God’s activity locally and globally. Through that vision and with God’s grace, Hope Church was born in the fall of 2001 in Las Vegas...
From a small group of eighteen adults in a living room, Hope grew to become a thriving multi-ethnic, multi-generational fellowship of over 4,000 members who, today, speak some 54 languages and have in common the singular desire to connect people to live the life of a Jesus follower. Vance led Hope to understand that what God is doing is bigger than one church. Since its launch in 2001, Hope Church has sent hundreds on mission out of its fellowship, invested millions of dollars in God’s global activity, and has commissioned more than 75 churches in the Western United States.
As the newly appointed leader of Send Network, the largest church planting organization in North America, Vance speaks across the country and all over the world from the passion of his apostolic heart to inspire people to join in God’s eternal, redemptive mission of making disciples, by multiplying the church all over North America that the nations may come to know Him.
Vance holds a bachelor’s degree with a major in history and a minor in business management from the University of North Alabama, and a master’s degree in divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Vance and wife Kristie live in Georgia, and have four children and four grandchildren.
"I already know the first question you have about me. So, let me start there. What does H.B. stand for? ANSWER: Nothing. For real. H.B. is on my birth certificate, driver’s license, and passport. My father did it to me. And I did it to my son. Here are some other basic facts about me. I am the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida, where I have served since the fall of 2008..."
I am primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development – along with all the other tasks that go along with pastoral ministry.
Prior to joining the Shiloh Church, I led the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles for almost eighteen years. Succeeding my late father, I began my pastorate at Mt. Sinai at the age of seventeen – a senior in high school.
Outside of my ministry to and with my congregation, I regularly speak at churches, conferences, and conventions around the country.
I am the author (or contributing author) of several books…
I also write on a blog site about life, preaching, church, books, and other stuff. I publish new posts 2-3 times a week.
I am also the host of The On Preaching Podcast – the podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.
I had the joy of writing and leading several songs on the Shiloh Choir CD: Joe Pace Presents: H.B. Charles Jr. and the Shiloh Church Choir.
Listen to the Cutting It Straight with H.B. Charles Jr. radio show at 6AM on 97.9 and 10PM on Praise 107.9.
I am blessed beyond measure to be married to the girl of my dreams, Crystal. We have three terrorists… uh, I mean, children: H.B. III, Natalie, and Hailey. They are the best!
"The Lord has blessed me with the role of Hope Bible Church Oakville's founding Pastor. Hope Oakville began with a Bible Study of 18 people in 2003 and is now over 4,000 people. Hope has also been used to see the birth of several vibrant churches across Canada..."
I work on a radio ministry through Hope Bible Church, called Live in the Light, which can be heard daily throughout Southern Ontario, Western New York, and the Atlantic Provinces. I've also authored Passion Cry (2016) and God with Us (2024). I get to serve in the role of On Air Bible Teacher at 100 Huntley St. to see a love for Jesus Christ spread across the nation.
My wife Gillian and I live in Burlington, Ontario, with our four children.
"In the spring of 2000, God brought a group of 30 of us together to plant SouthWest Community Church. This was an amazing journey as God grew this young church, saving people and building them up in their faith. Then, in the spring of 2006, God led us to transition SouthWest to become Redemption Bible Chapel of London and our journey as Redemption has been nothing short of amazing. We love being a part of the Great Commission Collective family and seeing God at work in and through the ministry of Redemption…"
My wife, Cindy and I were married in 1979, and we have five children, two sons-in-law and three daughters-in-law, and 17 grandchildren. We are so thankful for each one and overwhelmed at God’s grace that all of the adults love and serve Christ and the children are being taught God’s Word as they grow.
My initial training was as a computer programmer and system design analyst through Fanshawe College and I worked for London Life Insurance Company, in total, for about 18 years. I also have a Master of Divinity degree from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles California. It was such a blessing to attend this school (1988-92) and to spend four years serving and attending Grace Community Church, sitting under Dr. John MacArthur’s ministry. In 2012, I began working on my Doctor of Ministry degree at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and received my D.Min in expository preaching in the spring of 2017.
What’s the plan? The conference schedule includes details for breakfast, main sessions, workshops and more.
6:00–7:00PM | Registration
7–8:45PM | Session 1
7:00–8:30AM | Breakfast
8:30–9:30AM | Session 2
10–11:30AM | Session 3
11:30AM–1PM | Lunch Break (lunch provided)
1–2:00PM | Workshops
2:15–3:30PM | Session 4
Your one-stop for all unanswered questions. Learn more about pricing, tickets, registration and more.