Resources to Help with a Biblical Worldview

Resources to Help with a Biblical Worldview

The Bible is the best, and only sufficient resource for the problems we deal with in life. By the grace of God, there are also many other good, biblical resources to help apply what the Bible teaches in specific areas. The Bible is still the ultimate authority and source of truth, so we, as Bible-believing Christians, would encourage you to measure anything else you read against the authority of scripture.

Below are some resources that we believe are helpful in applying biblical mandates and principles to the problems we face. There are many (hundreds) of others that we could recommend as well, but this is a sampling, based on the sample problems covered in our recent sermon series.

Milton Vincent’s series on forgiveness, (4 lesson lecture),

The End of Anxiety, by Josh Weidmann

What to do on Thursday by Jay Adams (“A Layman’s Guide to the Practical Use of the Scriptures”)

The Humbling of Job (Meditations on Finding Comfort Through Affliction) by Craig K Svensson

When People Are Big and God Is Small, by Edward T. Welch

Trusting God, by Jerry Bridges

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, by Mark Vroegop

Uprooting Anger by Robert Jones

Putting Your Past in It’s Place by Stephen Viars

Rethinking Depression by Daniel Berger

Out of the Blues by Wayne Mack

The Sufficiency of Scripture by Heath Lambert, Wayne Mack, Doug Bookman, and David Powlison

Truth in Love, ACBC Podcast,