When a Spiritual Leader Falls

When a Spiritual Leader Falls

In this article, Sam Crabtree from Bethlehem College and Seminary (John Piper’s home base) talks to Christians who are wondering how to respond to the news that a church leader has experienced moral failure.

He writes, “Most of us know the shock, disbelief, sadness, and perhaps even fury of discovering that a beloved and respected leader has had a gross moral failure. Sadly, Christians in recent months have witnessed the failures of several high-profile, successful and respected international ministry leaders…  In response, we don’t want to just wring our hands, look the other way, or despair of Christ’s church going forward. Yet we also know the Bible warns against gossip, vengeance and malicious reactions.  What then should we do when a leader falls?

Sam goes on to share ten ways to remain hopeful and productive, so that a church family can “join God in turning [their] mourning into proactive steps to produce good.”

Check out the full article HERE.